Welcome to Egypt Concierge
Name it … We have it
About Egypt Concierge
Egypt Concierge is a registered trademark established in 2009 and registered in 2012. Egypt Concierge is considered the most comprehensive concierge Agency in Egypt due to its variety of services and agility of solutions.

Know about Concierge services
“Although more and more people are becoming familiar with the term concierge, very few know where this customer service based profession originated. The word ‘concierge’evolves from the French comte des cierges, the keeper of the candler, a term that referred to the servant who attended to the whims of visiting noblemen at medieval castles. Eventually, the name ‘concierge’came to stand for keeper of the keys at public buildings, especially hotels. There is even a famous prison in Paris that is called The Conciergerie, in honor of the warden who kept the keys and assigned cells to the inmates.”
Fulfilling the needs of the market and achieving a better quality of life for our customers.
Simply, Nonstop Development, Integration and Reach.
What do we do?
Other than what you name … we offer a variety of concierge services with global standards based on 6 divisions, Travel Division, Legal Division, Financial Division and Specialized Division.
based on 6 divisions